Please read the below information, in full, and then complete the declaration. All exhibitors must complete their declaration before Monday, 3 June.
Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability Insurance
Every Partner and Exhibitor must send their PLI and ELI document to Philippa Barton
PAT Testing
Any electrical items (unless hired via Visions) will require a PAT test certificate.
Risk Assessment
For those Partners and Exhibitors occupying one of the provided marquees: A formal written risk assessment is only required by the Organiser where the work to be undertaken includes work at height, significant manual handling, the use of paints or chemicals, or the use of powered tools such as saws and powered screwdrivers to assemble articles other than a simple desk and chair(s).
For those Exhibitors constructing their own stand within a marquee or occupying an agreed open space: A formal risk assessment is required by the Organiser for all activities involved in the construction of the stand
Hazardous Materials
If you are using any hazardous substances the COSHH risk assessment must be provided.
Work equipment – Mandatory Inspections
If you are using any equipment where there is a mandatory required under LOLER or PUWER for an examination or inspection then you provide Philippa Barton with the relevant certificate – example lifting equipment.
On discovering a fire:
- Activate the nearest fire alarm control point and dial 999. Direct the emergency services to; Wellington College, Crowthorne, RG45 7PU
- Call Security: on 01344 519043 (Emergency number).
- EVERYONE must move to the nearest fire assembly point. If the fire is located within the main festival area, the assembly point is located behind Registration (on TURF Cricket Ground).
- Stay at the assembly point until otherwise directed by Security (Fire First Responders).
- The exhibitors/contractor senior representative on site must ensure that all their employees, sub-exhibitors and agents are aware of the fire and evacuation procedures and know the location of the appropriate assembly points.
- At no time must a designated emergency exit, or College access road be obstructed.
- Security and/or festival contact must be informed if any problems arise regarding fire escape and means of escape generally.
- Leave the building/area by the nearest exit/route and move directly to the emergency assembly point. College and festival staff will assist as applicable.
- Security will attend the site evacuated and will carry out their duties as emergency first responders.
- Exhibitors/contractors must carry out a roll call at the assembly point and inform security when requested, that all are accounted for other otherwise.
- Stay at the assembly point for further advice.
- It is very important that everyone at the assembly point remains quiet to allow clear communication to take
If a suspicious object or package is found:
- do not touch or interfere with the object or package.
- clear people away from the immediate vicinity (at least 150-500 meters and out of line of sight) but ideally the festival assembly point (if not affected).
- Inform Security/festival contact immediately.
- Security will attend the area and ascertain if the threat requires police attention. If so, security will communicate and control the full evacuation, routes to evacuation assembly, and will cordon off the applicable area.
- Further detailed information will be provided by the emergency services/security/festival organisers.
If you are informed by College staff/Festival staff of a bomb threat on the College campus:
- Evacuate/invacuate (as applicable) and proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible to the assembly area. Do so without panic and as directed by the police, security/festival staff.
- Any route, which may have a suspected device, will be cordoned off/closed by security. Do not use these routes. Move only on routes as directed.
- EVERYONE should take personal belongings with them if they are nearby. However, do not search around buildings etc for belongings.
- Exhibitors/contractors must carry out a roll call at the assembly point and Inform security that all are accounted for, other otherwise.
- Stay at the assembly point for further advice.
- It is very important that everyone at the assembly point remains quiet to allow clear communication to take place.
- Further detailed information will be provided by the emergency services/security/festival organisers.
- Once evacuation is complete, and no explosion occurs, re-occupation will be considered in liaison with the Police.
Accidents – Report accidents or ‘near misses’ to the Organisers immediately.
Alcohol & drugs – Any person found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the college immediately.
Disabled Access – Please ensure your stand is easily accessible to all visitors. Disabled persons must be provided with the same service that is provided to others and it is unlawful to not make a reasonable adjustment for a disabled person.
Electrics – Don’t interfere with electrical devices! All electrical installation work must be undertaken by the official electrical contractor (Visions).
Fire & Emergency Procedures – Read the Fire & Emergency procedures that are distributed within the Pre-Show Information.
Fire Extinguishers – We provide extinguishers based on the number required by the fire officer, don’t move them & let us know if you require a specific type of fire extinguisher.
Ladders – Use the right ladder for the job, fix at a 1:4 angle – be aware of the Working at Height Regulations – Contact the Organisers for further advice.
Manual handling – Think before lifting, stand as near to the object as possible, bend your knees, keep back straight, grasp the load firmly, lift with your legs, hold the load closely to the centre of your body.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Wear a hi-vis vest on the roadways. Wear the right clothes & shoes for what you are doing and the environment you are in.
Rubbish – Don’t keep it stored on your stand – it’s a fire hazard. Contact the Organisers for disposal.
Staff – Make sure your staff are briefed properly about the risks to be aware of and read the site rules.
Vehicle movement – Be careful when you arrive and are unloading – there are marshals to assist you. The College speed limits, and road traffic signs must be adhered to at all times when travelling around the College estate.
Parking Conditions and Disclaimer: Vehicles and their contents are parked on the Wellington College estate at the owner’s sole risk in all respects. Wellington College, nor the festival organisers accept liability for any theft or loss of, or damage, howsoever caused, to vehicles, accessories or contents incurred on the College estate.
Weird & wonderful features – Contact the Organisers if you are having a water feature, any special effects, anything that causes excessive heat or light, animals, or children.
Working at Height – If you are working at height – be aware of the Working at Height Regulations – Contact the Organisers for further advice.
Young persons – Under 16’s are NOT permitted on site during build up and breakdown.
The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act
This is the legislative foundation for all workplace Health & Safety Regulations. The Act places a general duty on employers to ensure the health and safety of people who may be affected by work activities but who are not employees; this includes contractors, temporary workers and visitors on site. There are a number of areas which are of particular importance to the management of contract work:
- Provision and maintenance of safe plant and safe systems of work
- Safe handling, storage, maintenance and transport of work articles and substances
- Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision; Provision of a safe place of work with safe access and egress; A safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities
- These must be maintained for exhibitors, contractors and employees of ANY company working within any premises.
1.0 Safeguarding Children
Our Commitment to Safeguarding
All adults whether visitors, contractors or members of staff have a part to play in keeping young people in the College safe. During the Festival, there will be children on site at the College and it is very important that their welfare is at the centre of our thinking. Concerns around safeguarding might be:
Seeing the ill-treatment of a child by another adult – either as part of the Festival or on the College grounds
Seeing inappropriate behaviour or ill-treatment of a child by another child (child-on-child abuse) – either as part of the Festival or on the College grounds
Witnessing inappropriate behaviour or overhearing inappropriate comments by another adult which would raise a concern about their suitability to be on a site where there are children present.
Any concerns regarding Safeguarding during the Festival should be directed to one of the following:
- Delyth Lynch, Director of Safeguarding and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Wellington College– 07825 419190 (or if non urgent:
- Philippa Barton, Festival Events Director – via the Festival Organizer’s Office
- A member of the Security Team, Wellington College – located in the Porters Lodge
It is also important that we take steps to keep ourselves safe. Our actions can sometimes be perceived in a way that was not intended. To keep yourself safe from possible allegations. Please follow this advice.
- Instigate verbal or physical contact with any children on site who are not part of the Festival unless it is appropriate and part of an agreed reason for your visit.
- Give personal information to any young person -for example your name, address, telephone or mobile phone numbers, email address or Social Media.
- Do not accept or respond to a young person attempting to give you personal information -for example their name, address, telephone, mobile phone number, email address, or contact via Social Media.
- Accept physical or verbal abuse from a young person . Do not respond yourself, but report it immediately to a member of the Festival Team, the DSL or
- Use any toilets marked ‘Pupils only’
- Share any of your own personal information or details with any student
- Take any personal information from any student
- Serve alcohol to any person who is under the age of 18; ID should be requested if in doubt from any person who looks under 25 or assistance should be sought from any Festival staff who may be nearby
- Enter any College buildings unless you have been explicit permission to do so (or are accompanied by a member of College staff)
- Wander around the College site, unless you have been given explicit permission to do so; this includes all parts of the College grounds which are strictly out of bounds to all Festival exhibitors, speakers and attendees
- Take any photos or videos of any young person
- Be aware that verbal interaction with pupils may be interpreted by them as being offensive or inappropriate, even if this WAS NOT your intention.
- Report any unusual or inappropriate behaviour to the DSL, Festival Director or Security as soon as possiblea
- Be aware that contact made outside of the College grounds with a College student or young person may also be considered inappropriate by that individual and could lead to your interaction being misinterpreted
- Remain in the areas that are designated for the Festival of Education. Do not enter restricted areas such as teaching classrooms (outside of those used by the Festival), houses, or other parts of the campus unless you are accompanied by a member of the College staff.
- Wear your Festival pass/wristband at all times so you are identifiable to all staff and to our security team
- Use only the toilets which have been marked for staff/visitor use only
- Immediately report any security concern to the security team
- Expect polite and friendly behaviour from all Festival attendees . If this is not the case, please speak to the Festival staff as soon as possible. Ensure you don’t put yourself in a vulnerable situation – such as being alone with a young person
- Self report (to the DSL) anything which you might have done which you feel was inappropriate or happened by accident. It is better to open and honest, rather than assume what has happened has gone unnoticed by others.
2.0 Health and Safety – Introduction
It is the College’s policy to maintain high standards of health, safety, security and safeguarding on all its sites and by the implementation of these requirements for suppliers/exhibitors at events held in the buildings or grounds at Wellington College. We propose to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable that such standards are adhered to by all visiting exhibitors/suppliers. However, these health and safety requirements must not be regarded in any way as relieving the exhibitors/suppliers of their statutory, common law or contractual obligations.
In the event of there being any conflict or ambiguity between the contents of this document and any of the terms of the contract between the college and the exhibitor/suppliers, then the terms of the said contract shall prevail.
The declaration at the end of this document must be completed by the exhibitor/suppliers by 05 June 2023. The fact of declaration will be held on file for review by Wellington College.
Exhibitors/suppliers must recognise that Wellington College has pupils aged 13 – 18 years, whereas the college will endeavour to ensure that pupils do not interfere with the work of the exhibitor/suppliers, extra precautions may be necessary to ensure the safety of all on the sites.
3.0 Policy for Exhibitors/Suppliers when attending the site
Where specifically required, depending on the event activity being undertaken exhibitors/suppliers are to be in possession of a valid DBS clearance. Exhibitors/suppliers who require DBS clearance as a college pre-requisite will be required to sign a declaration confirming clearance is held. For those not requiring DBS, the issued pass/wrist/wristband is to be worn at all times and only areas permitted as part of the event may be accessed.
It is forbidden for anyone to enter the site without registering for the Event, including set-up and dismantle. Festival wristbands must be worn at ALL times, anyone not displaying a Festival or College ID badge/wristband will be asked to leave the College site. For exhibitor’s setting up on Wednesday and early Thursday, temporary badges will be available from the Festival office until registration opens on Thursday morning, where these can be exchanged for your Festival registration. Exhibitors are restricted to areas of the College allocated for Festival use, if accessing areas outside of Festival use, this should be authroised and you must be accompanied by a member of the College.
No photography/videoing is permitted on the College site unless prior permission has been received.
4.0 Legislation
There are of course a larger number of specific acts and regulations with regard to general health & safety requirements.
These will apply to all activities whilst on College grounds and must be supported by a risk assessment and full suite of relevant H&S documentation as requested by the Festival of Education of behalf of the College.
5.0 Exhibitors/Suppliers duty to inform employees
It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/suppliers to ensure that their employees, sub-contractors and agents are supplied with copies of this document and understand its content before entering the site.
6.0 Driving on Site
- The college operates some areas within our site as “One Way” therefore road signs must be adhered to at all times.
- Speed limits of 20 MPH or less where conditions dictate must be observed at all times. When accessing exhibition site (only permitted at times indicated in the Festival Exhibition Manual), the speed limit is restricted to walking pace.
- Outside of the permitted access times, cars must be parked in the designated areas of the car parks. Vehicles and their contents are parked on the Wellington College estate at the owner’s sole risk in all respects. Wellington College, nor the festival organisers accept liability for any theft or loss of, or damage, howsoever caused, to vehicles, accessories or contents incurred on the College estate.
- A parking marshall will assist exhibtiors when they arrive on the College estate to guide them to the exhibitor parking and direct them to the Festival site.
- Seat belts must be worn while driving on site at all times.
- Mobile phones must not be used whilst driving on college grounds.
Other vehicles are not allowed onto the site other than those used for delivery, or setup of event. Use of any equipment that constitutes mobile machinery, e.g. cranes etc., must be approved by the Works & Estate Bursar or Head of Estates.
A banks-person is required when manoeuvring vehicles, operating cranes and winches and where the driver or operation of the vehicles and equipment where the view is obstructed.
If, for any reason, the site contact is absent, a deputy will be nominated and the persons’ identity will be made known to the exhibitor/supplier.
7.0 Welfare arrangements
There will be toilets on site at the event with signage to indicate location. During set up and strip out exhibitors/suppliers will be advised of toilet facilities. Pupils toilets are not to be used.
8.0 Smoking
The College operates a strict “No Smoking Policy” on the estate.
9.0 Alcohol
Wellington College is an alcohol free site unless specific arrangements have been agreed with Wellington College and the Festival organisers.
10.0 Fire & Emergency
Emergency means of escape
At no time must a designated emergency exit be obstructed. The Works & Estate Bursar and/or site contact must be informed if any problems arise with regard to fire escape and means of escape generally.
Emergency evacuation
The exhibitors/suppliers senior representative on site must ensure that all their employees, sub-exhibitors and agents are aware of the fire and evacuation procedures and know the location of the appropriate assembly points.
Interference with fire detection alarm system
Exhibitors/suppliers and their employees, sub-exhibitors and agents are strictly forbidden from tampering with any of the fire alarm systems on site.
Full emergency procedures can be found in the Management Plan.
11.0 Housekeeping and Disposal of waste etc.
The exhibitor/supplier is required to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the exhibition/event area is safe and without risk to anyone, and that the areas are kept clean and tidy. There are are no waste facilities at the College, exhibitors are responsible for disposing of their own waste at the end of the Festival. Any material that is left will be disposed of and if excessive, a charge will be levied.
12.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Exhibitors/supplier must provide their employees with adequate protective clothing (PPE) in accordance with current regulations, best practices and procedures:
The exhibitor/supplier must ascertain what protective clothing and/or equipment is required to be worn by those taking part in the activity at the event such as wall climbing, diving and other similar activities and supply the required PPE to ensure compliance.
In exceptional circumstances the College may decide to provide additional PPE. exhibitors/supplier must comply with current PPE regulations
13.0 First Aid & reporting of Incidents/Accidents
There will be a number of first aiders at the event dependent upon the size of the event. All exhibitors/suppliers must ensure their staff know who to call for a first aider or in an emergency. All incidents must be reported to the Festival organisers using the Festival incident report and to the College’s security team so that the College incident report can also be completed.
14.0 Electricity, Gas and Water mains
The College’s electricity and gas mains may only be connected into with the permission of the College Works department SME’S and Works & Estate Manager who will issue a permit to work as required.
Working on live electrical equipment is prohibited on site.
No electrical cable in use by the College will be disturbed without the prior permission of the SME. Under no circumstances will the exhibitors/suppliers or their employees, interfere with electrical equipment belonging to the College unless authorised to do so by the College Works SME and Head of Estates.
All electrical work must comply with BS 7671 and/or BS7909. Installation design is to be signed off by College SME and no electrical installation is to go live until test/inspect certification is in place, as per the College Events temporary events electrics checklist.
15.0 Machinery, tools & equipment brought onto site by exhibitors/suppliers
All machinery, tools and equipment brought on to site by the exhibitor/suppliers whether portable or otherwise and whether mobile or static must be guarded in accordance with Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and any other statutory requirements which are in force at the time.
All equipment must be covered by legislative checks and PAT tested with labels visible or certificates available with traceability to the equipment.
Before any lifting appliance/tackle, air or steam receiver are brought on site by the exhibitors/suppliers, a test certificate and current statutory inspection report must be produced for examination by the Works & Estate Manager.
16.0 College’s equipment, e.g. lifting tackle, ladders, scaffolding, vehicles
On no account may the College’s lifts, hoists, lifting tackle, ladders, scaffolding, vehicles or any other equipment be used or operated by an exhibitor/supplier.
17.0 Insurance
The exhibitor will ensure that their insurance company/broker supplies the College with written confirmation of current insurance cover in respect of both employer’s liability, public liability and professional indemnity where appropriate.
Copies of the certificates are to be issued to the College via the Festival organisers, indicating the level and value of cover and will be saved eletroncially for review by Wellington College.